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matterLike everyone I know, I’m heartbroken by the tragedy that took place in Newtown, CT last Friday.

Like, you, I’ve been sending love and light to the families and loved ones who are suffering, and spending time honoring and remembering those who died. I’m trying to protect my 8-year-old son’s innocence by shielding him from any media or conversations that would result in him knowing what happened.

I’m hugging friends who are grieving, and hugging my own loved ones a little tighter. I’m signing petitions about gun regulations, and following the threads on social media about lack of resources for mentally ill children.

But what I’m consciously trying not to do is worry. I don’t want to buy into fear and fixate on all the bad things that could happen in the world.

Instead, I’m consciously choosing to try and make things matter.

My dear friend Gia Duke has the word “matter” tattooed on her wrist. For her it’s a constant reminder to be super present…to matter to who she’s talking to…to matter as a person in the world.

At a time when people are struggling to make meaning out of tragedy and choose love over fear, remembering to matter is one of the most powerful, and healing, things we can do.

Our connections matter.

Our work matters.

The choices we make matter.

How we show up to our life matters.

The way we love matters.

How we treat ourselves matters.

Our communities matter.

How we treat others matters.


Let’s choose love. Let’s choose to spend our time in the now. Let’s choose to share our gifts with the world to inspire others. Let’s choose to matter.

[If you’re looking for regular reminders to choose love, sign up for Gia’s Revolution Super Love — you’ll get a weekly dose of pure love and inspiration!]