I have an idea for a book I want to write!

(Sound familiar?)

People say this to me all the time, their eyes lit up by the thought of creating something they may have dreamed of their whole life. But then the waves of doubt set in. How do I know my idea is a good one? Would anyone read a book I wrote? I don’t even know where to start.

And so months, maybe years, pass by, and those beautiful ideas – ones that could literally change the world – stay undeveloped concepts.

The key to making it happen is to get clear before you get started. When you take the time to do this, you’ll find that your dream of a book can become a reality. You can stop talking about it and start doing it.

THE BOOK IN YOU is designed to help you finally dive in to the unwritten book in you!

It’s about:

  • Getting clear about what you want to write and why you want to write it
  • Gaining clarity around your specific concept, your “hook,” and your unique author POV
  • Understanding where your idea fits in to the current marketplace
  • Knowing who the audience for your book is
  • Feeling empowered to take the next steps

Your idea, your perspective, your voice, and your message is unique to you. THE BOOK IN YOU is about clearing the fear and confusion around tackling your big writing goal so you can get your message out into the world! (Don’t you think it’s about time?)

The truth? No one else can write your book.

The Structure

THE BOOK IN YOU is a 4-part virtual, self-study class — four video lessons plus do-on-your-own exercises, each designed to bring you clarity and focus on whatever it is you’re yearning to write.

Class 1: The Big Idea

Is my idea a good one and worth pursuing? In this session, you’ll learn how to get clear on your idea, your “why,” your unique POV, and what you have to offer.

Class 2: The Audience

How do I know if this is something people will want to read? This session is about getting clear on the different audiences for your book – who they are and what they need.

Class 3: The Market

How do I know if my idea is unique enough to stand out? This session explores the competitive market for your book idea and helps you identify how your idea is different and why there is room for it in the world.

Class 4: Putting it All Together

What’s next? This video provides you with suggested strategies for sitting down and writing your book.


When you purchase THE BOOK IN YOU, you’ll receive an invitation to join my private Facebook Group just for past students, which gives you ongoing access to me, a place to pose questions, get feedback, and connect with other writers.

About Me

I’m a bestselling author, speaker, and life coach who’s written and edited more than 2 dozen books, including children’s fiction, young adult and adult nonfiction, and young adult fiction for publishers including Simon & Schuster, Penguin Putnam, and HCI Books. You can find out more about my publishing credentials here.

But that’s just what I do. Here’s what I believe: I believe that everyone has something important to share. I believe that everyone has what it takes to create whatever they want in their life…whether it’s a a job, a lifestyle, or a book that can change the world. My favorite thing to do is empower others to tap into the part of them that believes it too.

And here’s what you need to know about me: I love, love, love working with writers and helping them bring their books to fruition.

Curious if this class is right for you?

Do you:

  • Have the seeds (or many seeds) of an idea for a book you dream of writing?
  • Is your book idea nonfiction (self-help, how-to, memoir, etc.)?
  • Are you motivated to create but need support in taking the first steps?
  • Are you ready to stop talking about writing a book and actually start writing it?

Did you answer yes to the above questions? Then this class is for you!

What Others are Saying

“Debbie’s class exceeded my expectations on many levels. Actually, I jumped into it thinking I was pretty clear on what I was going to write about and why, and figured it would provide me with the kick in the pants to get the ball rolling. Well, get the ball rolling it did, but not until after some hard thought and gentle nudging to really consider such salient questions such as who is my reader? Who else writes on these topics? Why am I writing? Debbie helped clarify why and how I was writing.”

Lisa Dewey Wells, Wonder of Children

“I was impressed with Debbie’s class. It was smart and straightforward with realistic strategies to get your book idea from point A to B.”

Angela Taylor Hylland, My Castle Heart

“When I signed up for this class I had about 6 book ideas rollin’ around in my head and had no clue where to start. Debbie did an amazing job of breaking things down simply and systematically to let me know which step to take next. If you know you’ve got a book in you and you want someone to help you make it come to life, Debbie’s your girl and this class is a perfect place to start!”

Gia Duke, Heart-ist. Life Coach. Entrepreneur.

“This course is a MUST for every aspiring writer! Debbie combines her writing experience, industry knowledge, and life coaching skills to expertly guide you to hone in on the book in you!”

Michele Anderson, Health & Wellness Consultant

THE BOOK IN YOU — What You Get:

4 content-packed video lessons

4 corresponding “homework packets” featuring do-it-yourself exercises

Clarity on your book idea(s) so you know how to move forward

Membership in my private Facebook Group for writers

Total Cost: $47

Ready to get started? Sign up now to get instant access to all the course materials!