Two weeks ago my writing partner and I wrapped up a book proposal we’d been working on for, oh, about eight, long months. This is a project we’re both super passionate about and have worked our butts off to get just right – passing drafts back and forth, gathering feedback from readers, revising and editing until we felt we nailed it. The finished product was a sixty-plus pager and, as we excitedly passed the baton by sending it off to our agent, we shared a virtual toast. I believe in this project and the ensuing book we hope to get paid to write… I really want to pen this baby.
So that makes it especially hard when the waiting game begins.
I’ve been doing this long enough to know not to obsessively check my inbox in anticipation of an ecstatic reply from our agent. I know getting her feedback could take awhile and that publishing isn’t the biz to be in if I’m looking for immediate gratification. And I know to trust in the process … that with creative projects things unfold as they’re supposed to. As least that’s what I believe.
Still, it’s been hard to wait.
But what I’m super aware of these days is the whole notion of grasping energy – that idea that when we want something so badly our energy around it feels anxious, or reaching, or desperate. Grasping energy is all about dwelling on what we don’t have (lack) instead of what we do have (abundance). And since like attracts like, grasping energy isn’t going to do me any good here.
So, this time around I’m doing three things differently.
First, I’m spending extra time being thankful for what I have. I’m writing grateful lists and spending time playing and doing things I love like running, sitting on the sunny porch with Baxter (my dog), and trying to learn from my son how to do an inside reverse fold in origami. (I still haven’t mastered that last one yet.)
Second, I’m working to let go of my desire for any particular outcome. Easier said than done, but when I remind myself that whatever happens in this situation is perfect for me, I can let go of the attachment for a specific result. At least in that moment.
Third, I’m moving on to the next project. By shifting my focus to another creative project and diving right in, I’m not only filling the hole that was left by completing this book proposal, but I’m ensuring I have more projects in the pipeline ready to develop down the road. So either way, I’m good.
FYI – today we did hear back from our agent. And she absolutely loves the proposal. So now it’s on to the next step…getting it ready to pitch to publishers. And then a new waiting game begins. Good thing this time I have a plan…