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Click on the links to listen to and/or download interviews with these publishing, marketing, and branding experts!

Samantha Ettus: Samantha is a bestselling author of four Random House books including The Experts’ Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do, which has sold over 200,000 copies. She specializes in coaching the busiest parents on the planet, is a contributor to Forbes and Disney’s Babble, and a nationally syndicated radio show host. She makes regular national television appearances and is a sought after speaker. Sam gives us insight in developing a powerful, multimedia platform. DOWNLOAD THE INTERVIEW.

Tim Grahl: Through his company, Tim works with writers, speakers and world changers to build their platforms, engage their tribes, and grow their businesses. He works with New York Times’ bestselling authors such as Dan Pink, Chip and Dan Heath, Charles Duhigg, and Pamela Slim, and is the author of Your First 1000 Copies: The Step by Step Guide to Marketing Your Book. In our interview, Tim shares his insights about the importance of marketing and building an audience for authors. DOWNLOAD THE INTERVIEW.

Liz Dennery Sanders: A member of the Vogue 100 — Vogue Magazine’s list of influential decision makers and opinion leaders – Liz works with fellow entrepreneurs to build their buzz, position themselves as experts in their industries, develop a success mindset and attract more clients, money and freedom. A branding guru, Liz shares her tips authors can use in building their personal brands. DOWNLOAD THE INTERVIEW.

Jennifer Repo: Jennifer has been an editor at Riverhead Books, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc., where she worked with such best-selling authors as Robert Thurman, Rachel Remen, and Joan Borysenko, and Perigee Books, another imprint within the Penguin Group where she focused on acquiring and editing non-fiction in the areas of women’s issues, health, fitness, business, self-help, and spirituality. Some of these books appeared on Oprah, became bestsellers, and three were nominated for a Books For A Better Life Award. Jennifer gives us a look inside the acquisition process and working with literary agents. DOWNLOAD THE INTERVIEW.