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One-on-One Coaching
Looking for support to help you finish your manuscript, get feedback on your writing, or figure out how to pitch your book to publishers? I love working 1-on-1 with writers.
Write Your Book Proposal
Dream of selling your book to traditional publishers? This online course guides you through the process of completing a solid book proposal.
Get Clear on Your Book
Having trouble getting started on your nonfiction book idea? The Book in You helps you get clarity around your concept so you can starting writing with confidence!
Learn more about the different ways we can work together
“Debbie Reber’s book coaching course worked brilliantly for me. Her Skype sessions were supportive and her online course helped me to frame up the book proposal that attracted a NY publisher. It doesn’t get better than that.”
Samuel Harrington, M.D., author of At Peace
“Oh my lord, woman! Just went over your notes—you are a goddess. I mean, I knew it already and this is just a mountain more evidence to the truth. Thank you! P.S…Debbie Reber is an amazing writing coach/structure savant/reader!!”
Sarah Seidelmann, author of Swimming With Elephants
“Debbie saved me when I felt as a writer on the verge of getting published – I was at the end of my rope. She was my book whisperer and my push to keep going and follow my dream.”
Andrea Owen, author of 52 Ways to Live a Kick Ass Life
“I had taken a total D-I-Y approach to my book proposal, hesitating to invest in working with someone one-on-one. To say that investing with Debbie is worth it is an understatement! She helped me to break down the different parts of my book proposal, see exactly what wasn’t working (no more playing a guessing game!) and her suggestions were spot-on. She even suggested some markets and publishing houses that might be ideal for the book, which I hadn’t been aware of. I saved so much time and stress. Debbie goes above and beyond for her clients, and I highly recommend a session with her.”
Kate Swoboda, a.k.a. Kate Courageous, author of The Courage Habit
“I’m convinced my book would have never been published – or finished, for that matter – if it weren’t for the guidance from Deborah Reber. She was with my project every step of the way, from structure through proposal thorough editing, and her input was invaluable. I highly recommend Deborah to anyone who is serious about bringing a book to market.”
Lisa Goich, author of 14 Days: A Mother, A Daughter, A Two-Week Goodbye
“Debbie is a book proposal expert and publishing world guru. And she’s not just a great writer, but a great teacher – clear, engaging, knowledgeable, inspiring.”
Janna Cawrse Esarey, author of The Motion of the Ocean
“Debbie did a wonderful job of guiding and helping me to achieve a lifelong goal of writing a book. I’ve always found writing to be difficult and my writing skills are also something I’ve always been sensitive about. Debbie’s feedback and manner was gentle and kind but also perfectly balanced with being honest and straightforward—a wonderful combination in a writing coach and editor.”
Kirstie Stockx, author of New Mum
About Debbie

Debbie Reber is the author or co-author of more than 18 books and had three books for teen girls published in 2015 with Simon & Schuster. As a writing coach, she blends her expertise in writing and publishing with her training as a life coach. Find out more…
From the Blog
The 10 Biggest Mistakes Writers Make While Writing Book Proposals
I have been writing book proposals for a LONG time, and while many things in publishing have changed and evolved over the years, one thing that has not is what makes a book proposal inherently sellable. As a writing coach, one of my favorite gigs is reviewing book...
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