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Your PeopleThis week I’ve been thinking about how grateful I am for my people. I don’t mean “my people” in a business sense or being part of a like-minded “tribe” (although those people are important, too).

I mean people people.

The people who truly know you inside and out and accept and like you, in the words of Mark Darcy from Bridget Jones’ Diary, “just as you are” —  the good, the bad, and even the “unusual.”

With your people, you can screw up and not worry about losing them.

With your people, you can be honest about things that are hard and know they’ll be honest right back.

With your people, you can let your obnoxious self shine through (they may even love this side of you).

With your people, you feel a sense of ease and comfort whenever you’re around them.

With your people, you feel so buoyed by love and support that you could tackle just about any challenge.

With your people, you can create anything(without fear, without filters, without limitations).

So my question for you is: Do you know who your people are?