by debadmin | May 29, 2012 | Uncategorized
Last week, after several years of dreaming and planning and saving, we began a simple remodel in our hundred-year-old house. Nothing too fancy — an updated kitchen (gotta love Ikea) and new bamboo floors throughout the first floor — but a big enough job...
by debadmin | May 22, 2012 | Uncategorized
In her book The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron encourages readers to go on weekly “artist dates,” which are solo outings all about exposing oneself to new creative stimuli. As she describes on her website: The Artist Date need not be overtly “artistic”–...
by debadmin | May 15, 2012 | Uncategorized
I first heard about the concept of shipping from author, blogger, and entrepreneur Seth Godin. In a guest post at the blog Zen Habits, he writes about what it means to “ship:” Ship as in get it out the door. Ship as in make a difference at work. Ship as in...
by debadmin | May 8, 2012 | Uncategorized
So, the other day I posted this gorgeous image on my Facebook page because 1) I love what it says, 2) I believe what it says, and 3) it’s inspiring and beautiful to look at. I didn’t realize when I posted it that I’d so quickly find myself deep in my...
by debadmin | May 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
Last night I went to hear hilarious, prolific author David Sedaris speak at an event at Benaroya Hall in Seattle. If you’re not familiar with his work, he’s a frequent contributor on NPR’s This American Life, and has written a ton of humor essay...
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