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Working With a Copyeditor on Your Manuscript

Working With a Copyeditor on Your Manuscript

One of the questions I get the most from writers nearing completion of a major writing project is “Should I hire a copyeditor? And if so, how exactly do I DO that?” In today’s post, I’m going unpack the world of copyediting, and cover a) exactly what copyediting...
Tips for Using Beta Readers for Your Writing Project

Tips for Using Beta Readers for Your Writing Project

In this post I want to talk about readers, specifically “beta readers” or pre-readers who are willing to read your writing with an eye towards providing useful feedback that can make your project stronger. For many writers, the thought of sharing writing that is...
10 Best Practices for Revising a Manuscript

10 Best Practices for Revising a Manuscript

Have you written a sh*tty first draft of your big, beautiful writing project? Congratulations! Now the real fun (work?) begins: REVISING. Revising is where all that material you dumped from your brain onto the page is shaped and molded into something that truly...
Getting Past Writer’s Block

Getting Past Writer’s Block

Ask any writer if they’ve ever suffered from an acute case of writer’s block and the answer will likely be a resounding YES. Pesky, frustrating, even debilitating, writer’s block feels like the words just won’t come, perhaps ever again. But...