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Outweighing the Fear of Vulnerability

Outweighing the Fear of Vulnerability

Have you ever wanted something and then when it actually happened or came through, gone into a full-fledged panic, and asked yourself why in the hell you wanted that thing in the first place? Maybe for you it was taking a new job or enrolling in grad school. Maybe it...
Wading Through the Mud

Wading Through the Mud

Have you ever been working on a project — a report, development of a class, a blog post, a speech — and gotten to a point where the whole thing just felt messy? I have. I do. For me, it goes something like this: 1. I start working on project with...
My Secrets for Shipping Creative Projects

My Secrets for Shipping Creative Projects

Clients and colleagues often ask me how I get things done. Specifically, they’re looking for insight into how I go beyond the idea and brainstorming phase and actually get to the executing and shipping of whatever it is I’m working on. That question has inspired me to...